Introduction to Oscail
If you have followed the download instructions for Oscail then there should be an Oscail Icon on the desktop and two folders on the c: drive, c:\shelx and c:\ortex and you should put the folders for jobs you wish to work on with Oscail into one of these folders.
Avoid spaces or dots in jobnames and while up to 50 characters can be used for the jobname, shorter jobnames of say 8 characters or less are better.
Make file extensions visible in Windows to allow easier file selection.

When you double click the Oscail icon for the first time it should open and have the jh21 job loaded

Click the Ortex defaults button to run Ortex

jh21 is (o-tolyl)3As=O.H2O and for example to check its hydrogen bonding press "p" twice and press "enter" four times to select defaults and you should get

Close the Ortex window by cliicking the top right corner twice to return to Oscail. In Oscail click Edit / Edit.GEO to open the geometry file.

The contacts are analysed and an estimate of the H-bond energy is given.

To learn more about Oscail you can look for a tutorial that may be close to what you want or Oscail help may be useful.


Download / Install Instructions for Oscail and Moilin (To install Moilin alone use steps 2, 3 and 4 only and restart PC)

Download oscail.msi, moilin.msi, ritnos.msi and tutorial.msi from here 
 1 - Run oscail.msi (Do not change the installation folder, use defaults and ignore restart)
 2 - Tinker 7.1 files - Create a folder c:exem for the Tinker files.
       You can download the Tinker files from here (32) / (64) and place the extracted files in /exem
       You can also get the files from the Tinker web page if you do
       the latter then you should also save mm2.prm and mm3.prm into /exem
 3 - Firefly - If you wish to use Firefly put Firefly files into exe
 4 - Run moilin.msi - (use defaults and ignore restart )
 5 - Run ritnos.msi - (use defaults)
 6 - Install tutorial.msi - (use defaults and restart )

Download Pixel-Clp from

Oscail works with the version of PIXEL validated June 2018
Expand/extract the folders and files to c:\clp so that the source files are in c:\clp\source etc.
If you do not have the ability to compile the source files using Gfortran you can download the zipped exes
Oscail requires bat files which you should put in the batch folder. You can get them from here.
Oscail will use the pixpar.par file from c:\clp\doc\pixelc